Monday, 30 December 2013

Paralympic DVD

I will forever be a part of history... thanks to the Paralympic Channel 4 DVD!

It was an obvious present to give me last Christmas (so much so I got it twice!), but little did I know I would appear on it. Full coverage of the opening ceremony is on the DVD including that moment when I ate an apple (orange).

As long as DVDs remain in circulation, forever will this be shown and mocked!!

Monday, 26 August 2013

RideLondon100 completed!

Inspired by 2012, I just had to do more. When the email campaign for RideLondon100 was sent out, I just had to be there...

After a successful ballot application, my cycling addiction began. £0000s of pounds was spent on a new bike and equipment, and I even managed to convince my girlfriend to join me.

The pursuing months of training got us both fighting fit.

The event was a blast. Clear roads, free from people and cars! 100 miles of ups and downs closely following the road circuit graced by Sir Bradley Wiggins and co.

Verity and I would finally cross the finishing line together having ticked off all the miles. 6:30hrs was a respectable time.

The competitive beast in me with clearly apply again next year! If alone, 5hrs will be the target!

Thank you RideLondon for bring back a small part of the Olympics