Friday, 31 August 2012

Day 3: I see gold...

The sporting competitions come thick and fast now and we've decided to ditch the history DVDs in the info area for live screening of the events. The TVs have live feeds from 15 different cameras including ones on the London Eye, the flame in the stadium and from the Orbit.

Certainly helping to draw in the crowds. Spoke to a Team GB 7 a side footballer with Cerebral Palsy on his right side. He talked me through the different classifications (how severe CP was for each player). Was an amazing insight as we talked for half an hour watching Russia smash Holland 9-1 or so.

My position seemed to draw in a lot of weightlifters and I joked a lot with the athletes about how many of me they could lift. A sweet Philippine lady said I was a warm up weight (75kgs!!). I handed her an IPC badge and she hastily apologised for not being able to give me the Philippine badges in return... I really didn't mind, but she took my name and promised to return at the weekend to hand me them...

Amazing she would return 3 days later looking for me handing over 3 different badges and key rings. What a star Adeline Dumapong is!

As I was about to close the IPC area, in came Jón Margeir Sverrisson the Icelandic 200m swimmer who has just won gold in the pool... he posed for a picture with the Paralympic torch then allowed me to hold the medal and get a picture with him. He was Iceland's only gold medallist of London 2012 in either the Olympics or the Paralympics...

I joked with his coach that he would be a superstar back home... bigger than Bjork!

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